There are 100 numbered waymarkers spaced evenly along the 15km length of the Wandle Trail.
Number 1 is located at the mouth of the Wandle where it meets the river Thames, and number 100 is at Westcroft Leisure Centre in Carhsalton.
Each marker post is 150 metres apart.
The photograph below shows what the marker posts look like. Marker number 35 is close to Plough Lane, not far from the where the Wandle meets the river Graveney.

Where did the Waymarkers Along the Wandle Trail Come From?
The numbered marker posts were originally installed as part of Sustrans‘ Art and the Travelling Landscape Programme in 2004. They were paid for by a National Lottery grant.
At the time they were used on an old website for the Wandle trail ( Each individual waymarker had a page on the website where you could see photographs of the surrounding area.
Today the website no longer exists, but the original url is still engraved on the marker posts along the entire length of the Wandle Trail.